DriverMax Pro Free Download
DriverMax is utility that allows to download the latest driver updates for your computer. In addition, DriverMax collects information about installed drivers in system and prints a list of devices that use them. Provides information about the driver version, date, developer, number of files and you have a digital signature. Then you can just export them to a separate folder or packed in ZIP-archive, and after reinstalling Windows to install everything you need from one source. With the Import Wizard can install all the saved drivers just 5 minutes. Thus, you no longer have to have at hand a lot of drives to different devices.DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates that you need
DriverMax Pro Free Download
When idle, Software Informer is constantly on the lookout for the latest updates available for all the apps and drivers installed on your computer, to make sure that you are permanently in the know about all the newest versions of your favorite programs. You are then free to download and install them or not. All this happens in the Apps section of the new interface. In the other section available, the Discover section, you will find links to recommended software tools, Trending Apps (with some of the newer and more successful programs available), and the giveaways of the day, where you can have access to paid apps for free during a limited period of time or until the available number of free licenses run out. You can customize the Discover list of programs by toggling on and off each of these sub-sections using the trendy and colorful icons provided. 041b061a72